Form in popup settings ?

1) As I'm stuck to J!2.5 (ISP constainst), can I upgrade from F3.0.8 to 3.1 ?
it's not clear in the Wiki, if F3.1 is dedicated only for J3.1 only
Ideally, I would like to upgrade my test site on J2.5 with F3.1 and switch to J3.1 when I will able.

2) as there are no informations in the Wiki about exporting applications, do you confirm it's not possible to export an app from 3.0.8 to F3.1 ?
Fabrik 3.1 is for J2.5 and J3.1

Here is information about upgrading:

Basically you just install the joomla3 branch in GitHub, change over your templates, and tweak your date formats. The biggest hurdle I found was switching over to a bootstrap Joomla template. I did have some other issues trying to get Fabrik working on J2.5 so I went to J3.1 but I think those issues have been resolved since then.
Hi all !
I upgraded to F3.1 being on J2.5 wit a YOOtheme template.
Popups are correctly sized and centered on the page :)
But the templating is not like on my 3rd post see the following picture :
  • <li> bullets-points are visible instead of nice borders
  • fields are not aligned
  • Window icons are not correctly positioned (Expanding and resizing on the right bottom)
Is it a Bootstrap problem ?
Should I design a specific template ?

PS : in fabrik.css
.fabrikWindow.modal .expand {
right: 40px;
top: 14px;
.fabrikWindow.modal .bottomBar .dragger {
bottom: 10px;
right: 15px;
are responsible of the bad positions

Ah, OK, well that's kinda why I specifically suggested setting up a J! 3.1 / Fabrik 3.1 test site, rather than upgrading your J! 2.5 site to Fabrik 3.1. Although our 3.1 runs on J! 2.5, it has a totally separate set of non-Bootstrap templates, which don't get the love and care that the Bootstrap ones get, and likewise a fair amount of "if ($j3) ... else ...." code which doesn't get as well tested, as we have very few people using our 3.1 on J! 2.5.

I think I'll probably have to set up a J! 2.5 / Fabrik 3.1 site locally in order to support your usage. Which is no bad thing, it'll just take me a little time to get done. I'll see what I can see from here on your site, but if it isn't an obvious template / CSS issue, I'll need to debug it here.

-- hugh
Thanks Cheesegrits,
the point is that I would really use Fabrik on my running J2.5 sites.
Please ! Users die of permanent updates imposed by developpers (and I'm one !) :(
When it's working for end-users, you don't want to redo the job permanently (because a mostly invisible framework has changed)
I suppose I'm not the only one to test F3.1 on J2.5 because you say F3.0.8 is an ending branch.
I would love to switch to J3.1 but I can't redo all my sites - I want to go further...

Congratulations for your totally separate set of non-Bootstrap templates !
It would be nice to just have the "Default Form & View" looking like in F3.0.8...

I will keep you some cheese ;)
I totally understand your position, trust me. But you also have to bear in mind that we are a J! extension, and as such we have to keep up with J!. And Fabrik is a HUGE project, with a lot of dependency on both the J! CMS and Framework. So we can't maintain much by way of active development on previous versions. At some point with each version we have to say "it is what it is", and move on, designating the previous version as "support and major bug fix only", otherwise we simply can't keep up with the evolution of J!.

Heck, we've been working for 3 years just on trying to get a J! 3.x native version in to production, starting with J!'s first big changes in 1.7, in the transition from 1.5 to 3.x. J! 2.x was really only ever a transitional / migration phase for J! on the way to 3.x. But J! 3.x has been such a fast moving goal post, it's been REALLY tough for us to get something stable.

Like I said, I'm happy to set up a J! 2.5 / Fabrik 3.1 test site, so I can help sort those template issues out. Just be aware that we're not the only developers treating J! 2.5 as an evolutionary dead end and focusing on 3.1 / Bootstrap, including J! themselves. So moving forward, you'll find it harder and harder to maintain 2.5 sites and your mission critical 3rd party extensions.

-- hugh
Thanks for your advices and kindness !
I totally understand that Fabrik is a huge project, and it's why it really rocks !
I really want to move to J3.1 but for now my goal is to master Fabrik, to be able to replace small extensions (like contact form) or to develop applications that I can template after (for my own site, or for clients).

Do you recommend a nice template editor sticking on bootstrap if I want to forget YOOtheme ?
1) as my contact Form is correctly displaying in content plugin / menu 'Nous contacter' and clicking on 'New' icon, I suppose the wrong template is invoked from List.

2) I get a new problem.
in my List 'Contacts' I added a PHP plugin and now :
  • in backend, my list display and buttons are OK
  • in frontend, when displaying the List, I get an error 500 !
    Template 'default_row' not found.
    Same error 500 if I unpublish the PHP plugin.
    Same error 500 if I delete the PHP plugin.
I watched in components/com_fabrik/views/list tmpl and tmpl25 and there are default_row.php in default templates.
I suppose it's tmpl25 which is used, but don't know what the problem is....

I went in Menu Edit and changed Fabril List Options / Template from '- Use Default -' to default and it works now.
I recreate the plugin and it works now.
Something wrong with "Default plugin" initialisation ???
Could you explain interactions with Bootstrap ?
  1. I understand that it is included in J!3, but what about adding it to a J2.5 site with Twitter Bootstrap installed ?
  2. What about cohabitation with template framework of editors like YOOtheme, Rockettheme, Gavick, ... ???
Fabrik 3,1 has two template folders :
components/com_fabrik/views/list/tmpl and tmpl25
the tmpl25 folder is for Joomla2.5 templates, we presume that you are not using a bootstrap J2.5 template.

If you need a bootstrap template copy the folder 'bootstrap' from tmpl to tmpl25.

I can't comment for most template frameworks, never use them personally, there may be certain issue with bootstrap, whether thats loading different icons to protostar (which is really protostars/Joomlas fault in a poor icon choice to start with) or certain 'features' which clash with the way things should be done. There's simply too many combinations for us to 'know' for sure which framework is 100% compatible with which version of Fabrik/Joomla.
I don't need Bootstrap, I just want to progress significantly with Fabrik as I can't migrate NOW my sites to J3.
You told me to migrate to F3.1 to avoid the problems I had.
As I'm on J2.5, I'm just wonderind if the display issues I have could be solved installing Twitter Bootstrap ???
Could my problems be linked to the fact I do not have Bootstrap with Fabrik ?
Hi rob,
I installed Twitter Bootstrap and copied the folder like you said, on my test site.
  • Dimensions are correct for the popups, but their maximise icon are not well positionned and the popup form is still displayed with <li> bulletpoints
  • List Tooltips appear on top of a Fullsize popup