GcalSync - setOffset deprecated in joomla 3 ?


FabriKant d'applications web

Got an error message using GcalSync cron plugin on a J3/F3 installation.

Fatal error: Call to undefined method JDate::setOffset() in /home/lacan/public_html/plugins/fabrik_cron/gcalsync/gcalsync.php on line 299

Seem we have to use setTimezone instead :

JDate::setOffset() has been removed. Use JDate::setTimezone() instead

Edit after test : just replacing the function by the new one seems to work. The place is not updated : would be nice. Also the data sent over email are not very relevant. Would be nice to build a list of updated rows (date, title) or at least a count of number of events updated in either direction....

Also could you confirm that a modified event in the fabrik table is not updated to Gcal ("To Gcal") unless the gcal_id is erased ? As en example, if the start date of the event is changed in the fabrik's events table after the sync, will the event be updated on Gcal on next sync ?

I've had a go at fixing this one, I don't have gcal sync running so Im unable to test if I had done things correctly though - cheesegrits perhaps you could test please?
No longer errors. Works as expected except for timezone. My event fabrik's fields are regular "date" ones with default "store as UTC". The System server config shows "Europe/Paris". In the DB the date seems to be stored as UTC. But in Gcal, the event is shown also with the UTC times (the raw values in the DB) whereas Fabrik list shows them as "local time" (+2). I have to manually set $tzOffset to "-02:00" whereas it shows "+00:00" to make it runs :-(
I'll be doing another session on the gcal sync stuff soon.

For syncing to gcal, I'm pretty sure all we do is check to see if the local Fabrik table has a gcal-id, and if it doesn't, then send it to Google. If it already has one, ignore it. In other words, I don't think we apply changes once an event has been sync'ed to gcal.

We could, I think, and I should probably add that as an option at some point. "Sync: New Only / New + Changes".

-- hugh
Hi Hugh

It doesn't mind as both threads are related to the same plugin but you were probably answering to the other one on "to/from/both" sync... ?

Actually, it seems to only "alter" the fabrik table for new event. Hence, you may be right.