get detail view with joined data


Hi, I am playing with the googlemap bubble template, my visualization is based on a table joined with another one (see here for further details )

In my template I can reach the details using the "standard url"

In the list I can see a link to joined data, which if followed, brings me to the list of data related to that entry from the joined list. ( index.php/browse-places/list/3?places_events___place_id_raw=7&limitstart3=0&resetfilters=1&fabrik_incsessionfilters=0 )

I'd like to show the content of both links in the same detail page, is this possible?
If not, how could I open this last url to joined data, through a html link set in the bubble template?
I tried using a placeholder with that url, but it's not being parsed:

What am I doing wrong?

Thank you
I've reread that 4 times, still don't know what you are trying to do.

Is the map on the places_events table?

-- hugh
whoops, I am sorry for my english :)
The map is on the places table, which is joined with table places_events
contains: id, place_id, event_id and places and events tables are joined through event_id and place_id
All this joins happens in the list -> Data -> Joins
(it is a different list from the other post, but it is based on the same places table.
This one is supposed to show all places with their events, regardless of the position or the event id)

I?ll try to explain my expected behaviour:
click inside a link in a googlemap viz bubble and go to the details page of my entry
( index.php?option=com_fabrik&view=details&formid=X&rowid=Y) -this is ok.

here, in addition to the detail view for the entry I'd like to see the data related to this place_id from places_events.
(The same data that I can see if I follow this link in the list: the "related data link")
forget the part where I said that the placeholder wasn't being parsed, it was my (joomla cache) fault.:rolleyes:

thank you
I'm still confused. Is the details page you go to on the places table? So the 'rowid' is the place ID?

If so, then you can put a content plugin in the intro to your details view, that does ...

{fabrik view=list id=X places_events___place_id_raw=[rowid]}

Make sure you have "run joomla plugins" enabled on your form settings.

-- hugh
Yes, that is right, thank you!
Where should the content plugin be placed to be shown only on the detail view?

Thank you again
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