handy tip to save on admin grid space when using fabrik....


Active Member
Hi All, for those using the ISIS admin template, here is a nice tip to save on admin grid space when working with fabrik, which saves plenty of page scrolling.

either edit


or copy template to your own name.

at Line 1685 change

padding: 8px;


padding: -1px 8px;

so it looks like this

.table th,
.table td {
  padding: -1px 8px;
  line-height: 18px;
  text-align: left;
  vertical-align: top;
  border-top: 1px solid #ddd;

I hope you find this usefull



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Thanks for the tip.

We should probably create a general 'hints and tips' section in the wiki for stuff like this?

-- hugh
Hi hugh, if you can do this, I will contribute a few tips that have come my way to start the ball rolling.
what about a new category you suggested.... "Handy hints and tips".

The idea would be extremely short pieces of tips that would benefit all. eg: the CSS code rob gave me to disable the padding and button background for the list buttons.

The other alternative is to create a category in the forum, and allow users to enter there, WITH NO support provided, just a tips and tricks section.

One could then use this as a basis to take the best tips and tricks out and link to the wiki?
hi hugh, any thoughts on this, I am still happy to facilitate.

Best would be a "Handy Hints and Tips" category in the Forum, and then I could sift out the best ones to include in the wiki?
Best would be a "Handy Hints and Tips" category in the Forum, and then I could sift out the best ones to include in the wiki?
p38: If I were Hugh / Rob then I would take you up on this offer pronto.

I have created a few Wiki entries to get us started, so please feel free to put your own ideas in there.

However, when I tried your suggestion above I found the following:

1. Chrome would not accept a top/bottom padding of -1px. It looked best for me with 1px.

2. The checkboxes in the row were then too low - and it seems to need line 970 changed to:
margin: 0;
so it reads:
input[type="checkbox"] {
    margin: 0;
    *margin-top: 0;
    margin-top: 1px \9;
    line-height: normal;

3. Obviously these changes will be overridden any time that Joomla updates this CSS file. Unfortunately I don't think that Joomla standard Admin templates have the ability to have a separate custom.css file. I wonder whether a Joomla extension like this would enable us to keep such changes separate?

Hi sophist,

I checked on Chrome Version 31.0.1650.63 m and my Admin template works 100% for me.

Have you got your wiki link for me please.

Yup, but tell this to the Joomla people.

isis/index.php is loading
// Load specific language related CSS
$file = 'language/' . $lang->getTag() . '/' . $lang->getTag() . '.css';

So create a file
administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.css (or whatever your backend language is) and put the css in there.
It's strange to have a css file between all those language files but it's working;)
I have successfully added this to en-GB.css and found we needed a small PR-1134 to make this work nicely in J3.x.
I would suggest that we could make the case that if Joomla does implement a standard custom.css capability in isis, we could limit changes like these to the Fabrik component only. Changing the padding on .table td {...} affects the entire isis display, which is fine for most components and views, but not ALL.

However, as the isis template inserts a class in the body tag relative to the component as below:

<body class="admin com_fabrik view- layout- task- itemid-" data-spy="scroll" data-target=".subhead" data-offset="87" style="">

We could implement CSS specific to Fabrik and leave the rest of the template as is:

body.com_fabrik .table td {...}
That's a good idea.

(Though personally I think the global admin change benefits other screens and have yet to find one which is screwed up by this.)
Hi Paul,

I was just saying that if a custom.css capability is implemented in Joomla core for the isis admin, then it opens up the possibility to put in all sorts of refinements to the component without resorting to the types of override that RocketTheme has implemented for their RokSprocket Modules which are non-standard and quite troublesome sometimes.
Well - I have submitted the Joomla PR to add a custom.css to ISIS and Hathor, so we shall see whether it gets merged or not.