how to show only inline button icons


Active Member
How can I show only the button icons, without showing the actual button for inline options?

With 100 rows, and 5 or 6 buttons per row (eg copy del, email, custom, view edit), the screen gets rather cluttered with all the buttons, so I would like to show only the icons?

I know I can use the dropdown option, but dont want to use this on mobile devices.

I guess you would need to style them via css - I presume you just want to remove the padding etc?

.fabrikForm .fabrik_row .btn {
  background: none;
  padding: 3px;
  border: 0;
this is perfect, thanks.

on this topic, I have been meaning to lodge this, please can you check if


is actually being called, as none of my custom css changes are working, and in desperation, I have added them in template_css.php under the bootstrap template just to keep me going.

Obviously I don't want to make any changes to template_css.php

It's included.
Maybe you have a typo somewhere, structure is
header('Content-type: text/css');
$c = $_REQUEST['c'];
$buttonCount = (int) $_REQUEST['buttoncount'];
$buttonTotal = $buttonCount === 0 ? '100%' : 30 * $buttonCount ."px";
echo "

#listform_$c {color:green}
.fabrikForm .fabrik_row .btn {
background: none;
padding: 3px;
border: 0;

perhaps was a typo, I took the stock standard custom_css_example.php and renamed it.

I copied your text and it works. Thanks for this.
When you have issues like that, the first place to look is in Firebug's CSS tab. Make sure the file you think should have your custom CSS in it is listed in the CSS files being included, and that the file shows some content. That will often show upany naming problems, or syntax errors in your CSS which are causing the file to appear blank in Firebug's CSS tab.

-- hugh