List behavior changed with github update


Joomla 2.5.4 Fab 3.0.6

I updated to github The last github update prior to the latest one was about 2-3 weeks ago. Prior to the last update, the list in question worked as I expected.

I have a parent list (users)
One child (profile) is left-joined to users 1 to 1
Another list (payments) is left-joined to users 1 to many

Prior to latest github update, all users displayed in list with profile data and any payments. This is the way I think it should work.

After github update, only users with payments display in list. This is not good.
Do you have "merge rows" selected for the list joins?

I think we introduced an issue with that a week or so ago, I've been trying to track down.

If so, can you turn off 'merge rows', and see if all your records start showing?

-- hugh
I'm working on this one.

I may have to just roll back the change Rob made to the main query creation, which was a fix for searching on joined data, and work on that stuff in a separate branch of the code.

-- hugh
Looks good for me too. Both "merge rows" and "merge rows and reduce data" modes are working as expected.

-- hugh
Merge rows and merge and reduce data both work now after github

I sure hate to be the fly in the soup, but after this github install, if I do an edit to a record, one field (label = testrecord) is being cleared that was set to a 0 or 1. I do a pre-filter on this field to display the membership list. This has always worked until now. What broke the pre-filter was the testrecord field being cleared.

A better explanation:
user tbl; key = id
profile tbl; key = pid; left join to user tbl id to pid
(testrecord is an element in profile tbl)
payment tbl; key = rid; left join to user tbl id to rid

I have a list where I can select a record to edit, I changed the email address in the user tbl, save, and testrecord element in profile tbl is cleared.
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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