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list e-mail plugin - copy / paste article template in body message


New Member
For the text of the message I use an article as a template.
This does not appear in the body of the message but is then sent correctly.
For the user who sees the empty message field, he may have doubts about sending the empty message.
It would be more useful to copy / paste the text of the template item into the body of the message and give the user the possibility of making a change even a moment before sending.
How could I do ?
Put your article (HTML code) into the "Message" box.
This will be displayed to and can be edited by the user.
Yeah, the list email plugin does need some work.

Unfortunately, the 'Content Template' is only used as a "row template", to format the individual row data being inserted into the overall message (if you are using the list as the source of the data, rather than as an address book).

I'd have to add another option, for (say) "Body Content Template", to use instead of the message box or PHP/HTML template.

-- hugh