Need list detail link to open form in a lightbox.

Joomla 2.5.6
Fabrik 3.0.6

I need the details link (or a custom link) in my list to open into a semi transparent popup with my google maps visible in the form if possible.

I have tried to ajaxify the form and it opens, but the box size doesn't fit the form and the map doesn't show.

I have tried to use lightbox by following steps in an older forum post here using the calc element, but I keep getting "form not published" as a result:

return "<a rel='lightbox external 640 480' href='index.php?option=com_fabrik&view=details&fab rik=1&rowid={participants___id}&t mpl=component&iframe=1'>Details</a>";

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I also will need to customize the popup box background color, transparency, etc.

Thanks so much.

Still no luck.

Not sure what I am doing wrong. Edited calc to:

return "<a rel='lightbox external 640 480' href='index.php?option=com_fabrik&view=details&formid=1&rowid={participants___id}&t mpl=component&iframe=1'>Details</a>";

Only calc on save is set to "No"
Use media box instead of slimbox is set to "Yes"

I no longer get the form not found error; however, instead of lightbox I am getting a view only details form in a normal form page view.

Thanks for the css info as well. It sounds as though I can create a red, semi-transparent background in my lightbox (once I get it working). I will tackle that once I get the lightbox to show.

In addition to using Mediabox set to yes do you also have Include lightbox js set to yes as well?
Include lightbox js is set to 'yes' as well. I am missing something, but I can not figure out what it is. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I would certainly try firebug to see if you have any errors coming up. I took your code, added a calc and it works for me, well once mediabox and lightbox were changed.
Friendly bump. I just upped my subscription to silver, hoping to get this thing working.

The site:

When I click details in the Locations form, I get a form to load outside of template. When I click details in that form, I get the lightbox. I need the lightbox to load over the list, not the form. Ugh.

I am still open to using the ajaxify feature instead if I can make it transparent and make the map show.
I can see the issue with the map not loading when you use the list ajax links option.

Could you try updating from github and see if my last batch of changes fix that for you.

Otherwise this wiki page outlines how to use the fabrik window class, you might look at the last example which loads via an iframe, which tends to be more robust than loading everthing via ajax.
Still no luck

I updated the latest release from Github, but the map still does not load when ajaxify is enabled.

Updating created a new problem where the locations page loads with white content below the footer, and the page scrolls down to the bottom on load only when I have ajaxify links enabled. I left it enabled so that you could see what I mean:

I checked out the wiki, but I am not sure where to load the PHP code. Boy am I turned around on this. There must be a way to make the field "Establishment Name" link to details in a lightbox with the map load included, but I can not figure it out. Ugh.

Is it possible that I am over thinking this? I just noticed the link details setting in the element "Establishment Name." It would seem that I could just set that to lightbox and a lightbox would open, but it is not working. Do I need to enable some other setting to make it load?
This is what I see with firebug.

Warning: you have included the Google Maps API multiple times on this page.
This may cause unexpected errors.

I checked out the wiki, but I am not sure where to load the PHP code.

<?php FabrikHelperHTML::framework(); FabrikHelperHTML::windows('a.myFabWin'); ?>
in default_row.php at the top of your list template

Then I think you link should be something like

<a href="index.php?option=com_fabrik&view=details&for mid=1&rowid={participants___id}&tmpl=component&iframe=1" class="myFabWin" rel="{'content':'test','height':500,'title':'my link rocks','loadMethod':'iframe'}">Details</a>
But you may need to use the full url, so putt the before the index.php.

Last couple of pages here show a screen shot.
Do I have to put the link a calc field? That would require a second field showing in the list. I want to just display one field from each record on my list (in this case the "Establishment Name" field). Is there a way to trigger the link by clicking on the establishment name?
If all you needed to do was provide a URL to link to, you could use the "link to details" setting on your Establishment Name element. But that's only the 'href' attribute of a link. And you need to set other attributes like 'class' and 'rel'.

So the only realistic option is Felix's suggestion of a calc element, where you can build the entire link tag. i think your obection was you only wanted to show one element in the list view, but surely you could just hide the actual Establishment Name element, and show the calc'ed element instead?

-- hugh
Basically what he said....

Hiding the Establishment Name in the list and showing the calc instead. the calc can pull the title name from Establishment and provide whatever link you want..... so pasting this, (with modifications), in your calc element should work.

return '<a href="http://[B][SIZE=4][COLOR=RoyalBlue][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]/index.php?option=com_fabrik&task=details.view&formid=[COLOR=RoyalBlue][B][SIZE=4]1[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]&listid=[COLOR=RoyalBlue][B][SIZE=4]1[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]&rowid={rowid}&iframe=1&tmpl=component" class="myFabWin" rel="{'content':'test','height':500,'loadMethod':'iframe'}">{[B][SIZE=4][COLOR=RoyalBlue]yourlist_establishmentname[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]}</a>';

Just change the highlighted bits.