new elements getting (re) created every time i edit a form.


Active Member
i have 6 elements that get created on my 'sf_lead' table every time i edit/save my 'leads' form.

these elements may at one time have been valid (i don't think so, but it's possible) but if if they were, they aren't elements now.

what would cause that??? (it's causing redundant column sql errors in other queries i've written without specifying the table)

person_email text utf8_general_ci
phone_alt int(11)
phone int(11)
email int(11) Yes NULL
name int(11)
revenue2 int(6)
hmm do you have trashed elements/lists that might link to the same sf_leads table? Perhaps try clearing out any trashed elements, and re-save the form to see if the issue remains
I just checked, and there are indeed a bunch of trashed elements from the sf_lead table, matching the ones mentioned in the OP.

I haven't emptied the trash, as I'd prefer it if Barry could do a db backup first. I've occasionally seen nastyness happen when emptying the trash if the elements have been there for a loooong time.

I *think* we fixed that issue a while back, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

Barry - so my suggestion is, do a backup before emptying the Elements trash.

-- hugh
thanks troester, that's exactly what i needed.

hugh, i think the data's ok (see other post).

yes, deleting those 6 elements from the approx 100 trashed elements (i wonder how they got there) DID fix it that these columns are now not being re-created every time i re-save the lead form. how i got into that state is still a mystery... but at least if i see it again i will know how to fix it. i backup the db every night, so tomorrow morning, i'll 'take out' the rest of the trash. then if something evil this way comes, i'll use by nightly backup to recover.
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