Paypal shipping address without joomla userid


New Member
My first post - so just wanted to say 'great product and great forums' first. Hope you can help me.

I have a form which submits customer details to paypal - without creating a joomla user. I want paypal to have the customer shipping details same as if they had clicked a 'buy now' paypal button, since otherwise they have to enter the same details again to pay by card.

So I have set the Paypal plugin paraeters to get all the shipping details from the form fields, but it then requires a joomla user id before it adds these to the Paypal [opts]. What I need is simply to add the details for the customer entered on the form onto the paypal query string using normal paypal html variables.

I can force it to do what I want by forcing the rowid from the form into the shipping query at line 218 of paypal.php, but there must be a better way. This is my addition:

/* user id forced to row id of form record in db GWTC 2013-04-10 */
$shipping_userid = $formModel->_formData['id'];
if ($shipping_userid > 0)

Any ideas?
HI Giles

Is this actually for Fabrik 3.1 or 3.0?

Am I right in thinking that you have set the shipping table to be the same as that of the paypal plugin's forms?

I guess we had never thought of doing that before, I think we had initially presumed the address would be in a separate table.

What I've done for 3.0 (which is available in github), is to add some additional logic, so if the shipping list is the same as the form's list and the user is not logged in, then use the record's id as the $shipping_user id.

Those changes will make their way into the 3.1 branch (currently labelled joomla3) when I get round to the next merge.

Perfect! Downloaded and working.
Yes, I am on Fabrik 3.0 and this does just what is required.
So now all the customer transaction info is in the same paypal plugin form, which is what I was after for this function.
Trying to close this thread since it's finished, but only have 'Delete' on thread Tools menu. Anyone tell me how to close a thread please?
Unfortunately, XF doesn't (yet) support "Open / Close own threads" as a permission. I'm looking at an addon for XF which implements it, but haven't had time to fully test it yet.

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