PDF issues


We have Fabrik running sinds v3.0 and have been updating everything steady the last years. Suddenly we noticed issues with creating PDF file.
Pressing any button gives an error with blank page. We have tried Joomla debug and PDF debug but can't get any line of error code on the sceen. Hard to debug and we are out of options.
Any suggestion how to find this issue?


Switching on PDF DEBUG gives same error and no clues.
Joomla debug also empty
PHP messages on max, zero errors.

Re-installed the PDF lib 3.8
Set all PDF templates to default
Switching DEBUG on still gives the same error and no HTML.

Fabrik v 3.8.1
J 3.8.5
PHP 7.0.23
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Do you have the 'EU e-Privacy Directive' installed?
Make sure the system plugin is coming AFTER the Fabrik system plugin.
No directive installed
Tried with setting Fabrik PDF system plugin as first, but no difference to see if anything else was the culprit but no diff.

Thanks for the tips.
I don't think the text "Error" is coming from Fabrik.
Is it with all lists/forms/details views or only a special one?
It seems you have Admin Tools installed - can you disable it temporarily ? (Rename plugins/system/admintools/admintools/main.php to something else; plugins/system/admintools/admintools)
Admin tools switched off, no difference.
error on all pages, front and back, login and as guest, all views.
It's a pretty 'empty' site only made to run Fabrik. Besides a few regular labs tools nothing special.
Also tested with different template also no diff.
Strange thing is that nothing changed beside Joomla and Fabrik updates in those last years. Site was also not in use yet.
Hi Hugh, yes disabled all Fabrik plugins not in use, set all templates back to default, cleared cache and got it working. Now back to rebuilding proper PDF layouts. Still not sure what caused the issue but client can't wait any longer so focus on fixing now.
Thanks for the support.