Possible Problem - Generated CSS class names


Hobbyist Programmer & Fabrik Fan
FWIW --I was stumbling around in the HTML generated for a radio button group and found what may(?) be a problem.

Note that in the snippet below, the label "Single Date" shows up as 2 classes -- "fabrikgrid_Single" and "Date". I guess the problem would surface if a site actually had a class named "Date".

The second button's label includes a slash but I'm not "CSS-smart" enough to know if that slash, or other special characters, present a problem.

<fieldset class="radio btn-radio btn-group" data-toggle="buttons">

<label class="fabrikgrid_Single Date btn-default">
<input type="radio" class="fabrikinput " name="gn_event___type[]" value="Single Date" /><span>Single Date</span></label>

<label class="fabrikgrid_Start/End btn-default">
<input type="radio" class="fabrikinput " name="gn_event___type[]" value="Start/End" checked="checked" /><span>Start/End</span></label>
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Wow that was quick! The problem didn't bite me but I figured that somewhere out there there was a radio button that was 60px high blinking away in bright orange with lime green text. o_O
Yup. Good catch. I think that was the last place we use element data in CSS class without cleaning it. Old code.