Pre filter doesn't seem to work on a joined table



2 tables 'Travaux' and 'Taches' with a Left join

A pre filter on 'Travaux' works but it doesn't when I apply it on the pre filter of 'Taches' ( the joined table)

Thanks for your help.


2 tables 'Travaux' and 'Taches' with a Left join

A pre filter on 'Travaux' works but it doesn't when I apply it on the pre filter of 'Taches' ( the joined table)

Thanks for your help.


Assuming I understand you question, then yes. Prefilters only apply to the list they are on. When you create a join in a list, you are joining to a database table, not another Fabrik list. The table you join to is then simply treated as part of the list it is now in. It doesn't inherit prefilters from any other lists it happens to be a part of.

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