recommended template or framework

Hello All,

I have used yoothemes, tried gantry and switched to HelixUltimate at some point + page builder. I am currently checking out JSN Page Buidler (build articles + visual workflow!!!). Now, I am basically looking for a good template (framework) to go along with Fabrik and which will work smooth with Bootstrap + offer some nice features like a good Mega Menu, OffCanvas...

- Yootheme new temolate looks interesting, but monthly pricing is a no go. Also, I want to keep my content as an article.
- HelixUltimate is fun and free, but has some minor issues. I sometimes have the feeling, like SmartSlider3, that they just stuff their framework with features.
- Gantry? Used it like 3 years ago and told myself "never again".
- PurityIII...looked at it, but could not convince me.

What good designer "base" template (framework) can you recommend, when it comes to Fabrik. JSN Page Builder should do fine with Fabrik CSS? I will do the SCSS myself for polishing.

Thank you :)
- Yootheme new temolate looks interesting, but monthly pricing is a no go. Also, I want to keep my content as an article.

I am using YOOtheme since years and with YOOtheme Pro you can keep your content as an article too.

What I really don't understand, that some people want the best templates and components, but won't pay for it... even programmers need money for their livelihood!

I have been using Helix3 for many years and it has worked well for me. I know Hugh has it in one of his development systems. I expect to upgrade to Helix Ultimate as we get closer to J4 release.
it's not about paying for a good template. i am willing to pay a good price. but i am done with buying templates, where i have to tweak CSS on more then one corner.

i do like yoothemes work and he his designs are among the best, but i want to be flexible with the produced code. joomla 4 is coming.

i am currently looking at gridbox and i do like their approach with a clean/blank base template. joomla extensions has some really good reviews for the creator, but gridbox is missing in the extension list. does anybody know why?

all those different frameworks are kind of "confusing". you never know, what problem might occure in 2 or 3 years.

i don't want to get "stuck" in a framework, if you know what i mean.
I now pretty much do all my development with Gantry. I have other templating systems installed and make a "best effort" to make sure everything works with things like Helix and JoomlArt. But we use Gantry exclusively for all our direct clients, so that's what I default to when developing.

Gantry has a bit of a learning curve, but worth the effort, as it provides excellent features and flexibility.

-- hugh
Thank you for your input, cheesegrits.

I have looked into gridbox for a week and went pro.
It basically is, what I was always looking for.

Their real time CSS editing is really smooth and their color management is organized in a way, I used it with custom SCSS HelixUltimate template.
Went from PS Page Builder to Gridbox.

You might want to check it out. It even works nicely with Fabrik.

The reason they are not on Joomla Extensions is because they have a build in base template.