Same fabrik form works in one page but not in the other


My problem is very similar to the one mentioned in this thread

The validations of the form do not work. Clicking on the calendar icons bring me to the error page. The submit button does not do anything. But I didn't get any Javascript error in developer console.

There are two places where this form is used. One is working just fine and the other is not. The one which is not working is, in fact, in a thank you page which is coming from Joomla contact us form. The scenario is that a visitor fills Joomla contact us form and he gets redirected to the thank you page. In this thank you page, he sees the fabrik form that is not working.

Some of my observations:
  • If I directly type in the url of the thank you page, the fabrik form in that page is working just fine.
  • If I disable Joomla cache, the form works.
  • There is not any JS error in console but I feel that JS is totally not working for the form.
  • The form is loaded in the page as content plugin. But I tried it as a module and got the same result (not working).
The url of the Joomla contact us page is:
The url of the thank you page where the problematic form exists is:

Any idea?

hmm.. thank you for the reply. It is very weird. Yesterday it wasn't working but now it seems perfectly fine again.

Need to find out what happened behind the scene. Maybe it is related to the CDN we use although not very likely.

Thanks again.

Hmmm, looks like none of our JS is being loaded. Usually that's due to some third party system plugin stripping stuff from the output.

Tried to log in to the backend, but the credentials in your My Sites don't work.

-- hugh
OK, look like the issue may be this:


You seem to be using Google's mod_pagespeed_beacon to load stuff, which I'm pretty sure won't be compatible with JS asset loading.

-- hugh
I disabled mod_pagespeed_beacon by adding ModPagespeedCriticalImagesBeaconEnabled false and I can see it is no longer loaded in developer console.

But the issue still exists.
Hmmm, nope, worked the first time I did it, but not the second time when I went to record a screencast.

This pretty much has me beat. It's something server specific, I've never seen this issue before, but I can't figure out what. Still looking.

-- hugh
So now pagespeed is off. Still getting same result. Btw, pls try at least twice.

I don't know if they are related but if I disable Joomla cache, the form sort of works. I say "sort of" because when it is coming from contact form, the validations happen before anything is clicked making all fields in the form red.


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I'm going to be putting some debug code in, so other Fabrik pages may be affected.

Something is stripping our Javascript includes, so I have to go back to first principles, and start dumping out the content of the global include array, see when it gets removed.

-- hugh
OK, I can't do that because the ftp credneitals you gave us don't seem to work.

Response: 530 Login authentication failed
Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server

-- hugh
OK, sorry, I thought you said you'd turned the J! global cache off.

Yeah, the Fabrik article plugin isn't compatible with the global cache, because that entirely skips running the plugin, it just serves up the HTML from J!'s page cache. Which means our code that inserts the Javascript asset handling never gets run.

A workable alternative, although long winded, is to do it with an HTML module, use the J! cache plugin and set that module not to be cached, and display it in the article position. Or there are several 3rd party cache plugins that let you turn caching off for specific URL's.

I've left global caching disabled while we figure this out.

-- hugh