Same filter for lists in content and modulepositions possible?


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I have a webpage with different pricecategories (100?-200?, 201?-300? and so on). I create an link in a joomla-menu to the fabriklist filtered by pricecategory, which works fine. Above the list is a fabriklist shown in a moduleposition, which should show the item of the active pricecategory with the highest ranking.

The fabriklist in the moduleposition doesn't react to the filter in the joomla-menu. It shows the item with the highest ranking of the whole list and not just the active pricecategory.

Is there a way to solve this? All options like Clear Filter and Reset Filter are set to No.

Template in use is Shaper Helix 3.

Thanks in advance,

We actually go to great lengths to make sure different lists on the same DON'T pick up each other's filters, as that would play havoc with most use cases.

It might be possible to do it with a PHP pre-filter on the list in the module position, grabbing the other list's filter setting from session data. But I'd need to set up a test here and throw some code and time at it, and I'm short of both atm. Remind me in a day or two.

-- hugh
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