Solved! Cascading dropdown does not work in Frontend any longer

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The CDD elements on my site are not working any longer. In the backend the CDD works fine. I found this thread with the same issue, but can't compare it with my form.
Maybe it's also because of the not working inlineedit plugin or/and any javascript problems?

I've made an update with github. But I can't say since when the CDD doesn't work.
You can find my site in my infos.

THANKs a lot!

Edith says: I wonder that in one table "Adressbuch" every entry is shown over 500 times! Must be something with the database. Any ideas which table in the phpmyAdmin cause such error?
i started looking then your site went down (bad gateway message) - I wasn't sure though which form/list in particular I should be looking at?
That's not so good. I'll check what has caused the error, hopefully fix it and inform you in which list/form you should have a look.
I had to uninstall and reinstall the component because the server was overloaded. "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT `fabrik_protokolle`.`id` AS `fabrik_protokolle___id" and more.

The list I want you to look at is, "Adressbuch" in the frontend you can find it under "Kontakte"
Here you will see, that every entry is shown more than 500 (!) times!
I fixed the error with the multiple views.
Please have a look at the form: "Kontakte" -> "Anmeldung"
When "Schulform" is selected the Field "Schule" keeps grey. Same with the field "PLZ" and the CDD field "Ort" and "BLZ" with CDD field "Bank"
In the bankend the CDD works fine.
You seem to be running the new 3.1RC?

But this is in the 3.0 forums ... did you update in the last day or two?

It seems to be some kind of requirejs dependency issue, judging by the error it's tossing on page load.

rob ?

-- hugh
I've made an update yesterday. Hoping this will bring an solution. Should I do a dowgrade?
Now I didn't see any plugins when I edit a list.
the js error seems to be in part due to missing options on the element 'Zeit_Unterricht' (page: index.php?option=com_fabrik&view=element&layout=edit&id=9175) I had a go at editing and saving that element but Im not sure what settings its really meant to have. Could you expand a bit on what that element is meant to lookup and which element it is meant to watch?

Also can you set our user to be a super admin, as I need to alter Fabrik's config page to stop it loading the compressed js ?

I've deleted the element "Zeit_Unterricht" and cleaned the trash. It wasn't necessary at all.
Your user is now set to super admin.
Did you see that there is no List Plugin Manager when you edit a list?
So now there are no cdd elements in the Addressbuch list, so I really don't know what it is I'm meant to be testing :eek: Can you give complete step by step instructions as to what exactly the issue is?

Did you see that there is no List Plugin Manager when you edit a list?
I see the plugin tab and can select a plugin from the list. I'm unclear if that relates to the original question though? If not its probably best to post in a new thread, to keep each thread as easy as possible to follow.

Hi Rob,

you can't see any cdd elements, because I changed the cdds in simple databasejoin elements. We had to work with the list today.
I change the fields back in cdd, when you want to make tests with my list.
Maybe it's easier to give you instructions via chat?

You are right with the plugins. It's the inlineedit plugin missing.
I'll put the questions in my inlineedit thread.
Now you can find three cdd elements in the list "Adressbuch"
cdd "Schulname" dbj "Schulform" (listname fabrik_schulen)
cdd "Ort" dbj "PLZ" (listname fabrik_stadt)
cdd "Bankname" dbj "BLZ" (listname fabrik_bankdaten)
Do you by any chance have a htacesss redirect on your site's root index.php page? - when I load that page it redirects to

My first guess if that is the case is that all our ajax calls are not working as that redirect is removing the routing we assign in the post data.
I changed your ftp account to the root access. Propably you are right, because like the problem with the cdd and the inlineedit plugin, I have the problem with my timetable edit.
When you go to "Zeiterfassung" - "Alle Stunden" and then edit one entry, you will see in the field "Honorar" the start page.

I copied my complete page in the ftp (in July) to seperate the official page (die-lernwelten) from the internal page (

Maybe this caused the ajax problems?
Not sure what the issue is but the ftp account no longer connects for me, gives a 530 error: Login incorrect.

Have you looked at your .htacess file and compared it to the default one provided by Joomla.
Also I see you have two redirect components installed in your admin, perhaps one of those are causing the issue?
I try to reconstruct the .htacess file and uninstalled the redirect components. No changings until now.
I think I'm going to build new. Too bad and thanks so far.
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