[SOLVED] Content plugin showing wrong form details



I'm using the content plugin to show the details of form 10 element 3 in an article.
{fabrik view=details id=10 rowid=3}

Screenshot attached:screenshot1.png
URL below is only accessible to Super User (details in MySites)

Contact is a repeat group of this form.
The contact shown here (id 1003) is not the right one.

The same details view is published somewhere else on the site, accessible from the menu.
Here the contact is the right one (same as backend, and corresponding value stored in db field)
Screenshot attached: screenshot2.png

The weird part is that the repeat table that contains contacts does not even contain the id 1003.
Screenshot from Adminer attached: screenshot responsable_29_repeat.png

I'm using Fabrik 3.4.2 with Joomla 3.4.8.

OK, I think that's because you were using a 'user' element for the contact. the user element has an extra layer of complexity that can set it to the currently logged on user. It shouldn't do in your usage, but the problem goes away if I change that contact to be a join element to the jos_users table (defaulting it to {$my->id}). So although this looks like it's probably a bug, it's a subtle one which would take me a long time to track down ... and the workaround of using a join element instead seems to work.

Let me know if this works in your other usage of that form, like creating new contacts, etc.

BTW, I think we were working on that article at the same time ... I put it back the way I found it.

-- hugh
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