Update another table on form submit

PHP Setting

Update on both

Execute code on After Data Stored and before calculations


$connect = mysql_connect('localhost','emscompl_paramed','Paramedic!283') or die(mysql_error());
        $selectdb = mysql_select_db('emscompl_ccems_joomla',$connect);
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM vehicle_check
        WHERE id = {vehicle_check___id}";
        $getsql = mysql_query($sql);
        $fetchsql = mysql_fetch_array($getsql);
        $squad = $fetchsql['squad_number'];
        $narcotic = $fetchsql['narcotic_box_number'];
        $narcoticseal= $fetchsql['narcotic_box_seal'];
        $narcoticsealcolor= $fetchsql['narcotic_box_seal_color'];
        $morphine = $fetchsql['morphine'];
        $ativan = $fetchsql['ativan'];
        $iobag = $fetchsql['io_gun_bag_number'];
        $iobagseal = $fetchsql['io_gun_bag_seal'];
        $update = "UPDATE units SET narcotic_box_number=$narcotic, narcotic_box_seal=$narcoticseal, narcotic_box_seal_color=$narcoticsealcolor, morphine=$morphine, ativan=$ativan, fentanyl=$fentanyl, io_gun_bag_number=$iobag. io_gun_bag_seal=$iobagseal
        WHERE squad_number = $squad";
hi Josh

I think you missed adding a question?

At a guess I'd say your update doesn't happen?
In that case you want to quote the values you are setting.

$db = JFactory::getDbo();
// then quote each value you want to update.
$squad = $db->quote($fetchsql['squad_number']);
Rob your right looks like I forgot to add the question... Sorry about that I will try this out tomorrow and see if I can get it to work
Ok I have went back and completly revamped the code however it is still not working. Also it appears my place holder have stopped working????

$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$sql = $db->getQuery(true);
        $sql->where('id = '{vehicle_check___id}'');
        $fetchsql = $db->loadObjectList();
        $squad = $db->quote($fetchsql['squad_number']);
        $unit = $db->quote($fetchsql['unit_number']);
        $narcotic = $db->quote($fetchsql['narcotic_box_number']);
        $narcoticseal= $db->quote($fetchsql['narcotic_box_seal']);
        $narcoticsealcolor= $db->quote($fetchsql['narcotic_box_seal_color']);
        $morphine = $db->quote($fetchsql['morphine']);
        $ativan = $db->quote($fetchsql['ativan']);
        $fentanyl= $db->quote($fetchsql['fentanyl']);
        $iobag = $db->quote($fetchsql['io_gun_bag_number']);
        $iobagseal = $db->quote($fetchsql['io_gun_bag_seal']);
      $query= $db->getQuery(true);
            $query->set('narcotic_box_number='.$narcotic,'narcotic_box_seal='.$narcoticseal,'narcotic_box_seal_color='.$narcoticsealcolor,'morphine='.$morphine, 'ativan='.$ativan,'fentanyl='.$fentanyl, 'io_gun_bag_number='. $iobag,'io_gun_bag_seal='.$iobagseal);
            $query->where('squad_number ='.$squad.'and unit_number ='.$unit);
      //execute db object
try {
// Execute the query in Joomla 3.0.
$result = $db->execute();
} catch (Exception $e) {
//print the errors
Is this running as a file, or inline? i.e. did you paste the code into the PHP box, or put it in a file you then select from the dropdown?

-- hugh
add an
at the end of the file.
Ensure you're site, in its global configuration, is set to error reporting = maxium
Then re-test

Report back what you see on the page.

you wouldnt see the query in the debug out put as the query would only be run on submission, not on page load.

I couldn't fill in the form, get lots of error messages on the ajax validation, perhaps try disabling the addfullajax system plugin?:

Property _template_tags does not exist

Call stack
# Function Location
1 JSite->render() /home/emscompl/public_html/ccems/index.php:58
2 JApplicationBase->triggerEvent() /home/emscompl/public_html/ccems/includes/application.php:283
3 JEventDispatcher->trigger() /home/emscompl/public_html/ccems/libraries/joomla/application/base.php:106
4 JEvent->update() /home/emscompl/public_html/ccems/libraries/joomla/event/dispatcher.php:161
5 call_user_func_array() /home/emscompl/public_html/ccems/libraries/joomla/event/event.php:71
6 plgSystemAddFullajax->onBeforeRender()
7 plgSystemAddFullajax->getValue() /home/emscompl/public_html/ccems/plugins/system/addfullajax/addfullajax.php:200
8 ReflectionClass->getProperty()
i cant submit the form, its vailidating not empty on 'Paramedic/EMT Completing Form' when there are no possible options to select