"update column"-list plugin - don't work {placeholders}

I try on list plugin "update column" write html code with placeholders:

Akceptacja koszt?w:
Klient: {ccjom_cc_klienci_zgl_naprawy___akceptujacy}<br/>
Zg?oszenie nr:C&C/{ccjom_cc_klienci_zgl_naprawy___id}<br/>
Wst?pna cena us?ugi serwisowej:{ccjom_cc_klienci_zgl_naprawy___wstepna_wycena}<br/>
Urz?dzenie: {ccjom_cc_klienci_zgl_naprawy___urzadz_razem} nr ser.: {ccjom_cc_klienci_zgl_naprawy___urzadz_num}<br/>

this paceholders don't work at all in received email text,

Is possible to make them working :) ?


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I'm working on this one, but I've gotten side tracked in to fixing an update_col issue in 3.1. I didn't notice you were posting in 3.0, tried replicating this issue in 3.1, and ran in to a rather nasty SQL query bug in the 3.1 email sending process for this plugin, which I have to fix as a priority.

As soon as I get that fixed, I'll get back to testing your issue with the 3.0 code.

-- hugh
Hello Cheesegrits.

I don't know if you also detected this behavior in the plugin email function. Besides the placeholders are not working, if you have for example 4 options set in the list for update_col plugin, all the email notifications are sent with the data and the details of the last created option.

Did you noticed this?

can you post a screen shot of your update column settings and what is being selected in the front end and the emails it generates?
I don't seem to be able to replicate this problem. My emails are going out with the placeholders correctly filled in.

Here's a quick Jing video showing my update_col setup, the three rows I tested with, and the emails I received.

blue-mouse - are the elements you are using plceholders for on a joined table, or the main table for the list? What element types are they?

I'm testing with just simple field elements, on the main table.

It might help if one or both of you could create a really simple test list, with just a couple of field elements, and see if that works. It could be something specific to your list setup.

Oh, and of course make sure you are running the latest code.


if you have for example 4 options set in the list for update_col plugin, all the email notifications are sent with the data and the details of the last created option.

Not sure what you mean? Can you explain in more depth, or use screeshots or a Jing video to illustrate the problem?

-- hugh
blue-mouse - are the elements you are using plceholders for on a joined table, or the main table for the list? What element types are they?
types of elements are: field, internalid, user - nothing don't work
But i use GitHub 19Dec 2013, i will try update on early morning becouse we now use some forms in office and i can't update during office day,

This plugin updates field: 'akceptacja_koszt1' with value 'akceptacja'


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I have updated today on GitHub and still is the same - {placeholders} doesn't work even for simple type "field" of element.
screen shot with my email,


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I still can't replicate this. I tried on a more complex test form, with several different element types, and it works for me.

Probably won't work, but just in case ... can you try using a short name, without the table___ prefix? Like just {urzadz_num}.

-- hugh
OK, then let's try and debug this ... can you edit ./plugins/fabrik_list/update_col/update_col.php, at line 282 should be this:

if (JMailHelper::cleanAddress($to) && FabrikWorker::isEmail($to))
    $thissubject = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($subject, $row);
    $thismessage = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($message, $row);

Can you put a var_dump() in there so we can see what is in $row, which should be the list data for the first row being updated:

if (JMailHelper::cleanAddress($to) && FabrikWorker::isEmail($to))
    $thissubject = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($subject, $row);
    $thismessage = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($message, $row);

This should dump something looking like this to the browser when you test the plugin:


Copy and paste here whatever shows up.

-- hugh
I'm sorry for the confusion and thank you for opening a new thread.

But also the placeholder issues still persists, right?
Tested with Fabrik3.1 (GitHub) on J!2.5: placeholders are working
Are you running a recent GitHub version (joomla3 branch if you are on Fabrik3.1)?
I can see one issue with joined elements, which is that if it's a repeated join, not merged, and you have more than one joined row (so 'parent' and 'child 1', 'child 2') and you select both parent rows for update, you are only going to get the value of the first one in your email. That's because update_col is only using the id for the parent row, so it only sees one row to update.

However, if you have elected to merge repeat joins, the placeholder for the joined element should have both child row values, formatted in whatever the default representation the element type uses (usually an unnumbered list).

How are your joins configured? I started watching your video, but it doesn't seem to have sound, and I was getting somewhat confused.

-- hugh