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Validation on an element, the values on fileupload disappeared after validation

Yes it's this site and there is akeeba on it.

It's a test site so the data can be modified.

Thanks Hugh
I don't seem to be able to download the backup. The "Download to your desktop" button doesn't do anything.

-- hugh
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I restored on an other website a backup just before the github update I've made, and with this version no error with fileupload (except the validation problem).
Hi guys,

I think that the problem occurs when we use repeated group with a joined list.
I'm surprised to be the only one with such a problem ( you can have a look to the small video, impossible to add a record, a new record crash a previous one).
I'm gonna do more test to be sure that the joined list is involved.
OK - apologies for being slow on this. I've been doing a lot of travelling the last couple of weeks.

Let me know how the tests go, and if you can give me a consistently repeatable scenario, so I can replicate the problem locally, I'll be able to work on it.

-- hugh

I've done more tests
In my case, on every repeated group, when I delete a group the fields are mixed up after saving (adding a new group is working). It's a huge problem.

Table 'Travaux' joined to a table 'Taches' ( with the repeated group)

Step 1:
On a existing field in 'Travaux' I add 4 groups in 'Taches', after saving I have:

I add a 5th row, after saving I have:
It's OK, I'm deleting the 4th row, after saving I have:


4th row is deleted, that's OK but a value is missing on the 5th row I added, if I deleted now the row with 'Test2':


Things are worth, values are mixed up between line 'Test3' and 'Test5'...

I tried to change the template of the group, using 'List' instead of 'Table', no difference, same mix up.

I've noticed something else, perhaps it's related, once I used the minus button to delete a group I can't use anymore the button + and -, nothing happen.

Thanks for your help.


If someone else is concerned by this problem, until the problem is solved, here is the workaround I've used:

- Using CSS I've make disappeared the '-' button, to prevent anyone to use it ( I could have used access control, but like this I'm sure that nobody can touch this button, and it will be easier to go back when the problem will be solved).

- I add a checkbox in my repeated group called 'Delete/Supprimer'


- I manage the deletion of a record with a php plugin onAfterProcess

It has an advantage, you still can see the records you want to delete.


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