Fabrik 4.0 Github Access

We are please to announce the return of the Fabrik source to public git access. We have created a public copy of Fabrik that has been stripped of all the bits and pieces we are not supporting at this time, along with the various build directories and unnecessary libraries.

You can access this repository at https://bitbucket.org/fabrikar/fabrik/src/master/

This repository is updated several times a week with any new relevant commits made to our full repo, so it should always be current within 3 days.

You can update your site from this repo. Instructions will be forthcoming in the Updating from github section of our wiki.

At this time we do not know whether pull requests to this repo will work or not. The commit tree is rebuilt each night so the commit hashes are going to change. Not sure what that will do to a PR. Maybe someone wants to give it a try and see.

We hope you find this useful.

Fabrik 4.0 Official is here

As of today, February 1, 2024, your Fabrik development team is please to announce the release of our first official Fabrik V4.0. It has been a long time coming with many milestones along the way. We have to thank Henk van Klinken for his tenacity and determination to get Fabrik working on Joomla 4. His leadership brought along myself, achartier/Alex, and troester/Beate to finish it up. It is unfortunate Henk is no longer with us to see his baby born.

Henk also did a lot of work rewriting the Fabrik core to implement the newer J4 & J5 interfaces. That work will hopefully continue.

In the mean time, head on over to our download section and get yourself a fresh copy of Fabrik.

One thing that has now been reinstated is the J! updater, so as we make newer releases you will see them available in the extensions update section of your administration.

Fabrik 4 Announcement

Fabrik 4 Announcement

Hello Fabrik Community

Fabrik is now in the hands of the development team that brought you Fabrik for Joomla 4. We have recently transitioned the Fabrik site over to a new server and are busy trying to clean it up. We have upgraded the site to Joomla 4 and are running the latest version of Fabrik 4. We have also upgraded the Xenforo forum software to the latest version. Many of the widgets you might have been used to on the forum are no longer operational, many abandoned by the developers. We hope to bring back some of the important ones as we have time.

Exciting times to be sure.

We will soon be releasing a production version of Fabrik V4.0. No more Greek letter releases. Watch for info in the forum on this release in the coming days.

We are also moving the Fabrik codebase back to a public repository. This repository will allow you to do github updates between releases. It will be a stripped down repo with only the components of Fabrik we are supporting. More details to follow.