JUser autologin email notification not in html



The user gets created and an email notification is sent with user credential details. However, the email is not in HTML, there are a lot of HTML tags visible. Example below:

Hello XXX,</br></br>Thank you for registering on XXX.

Can anyone else confirm this is the case with the latest version?

Fabrik Form - Create Joomla User Plugin 3.6 April 2017.
I can't replicate.

Which Joomla version?
What are your juser settings in "Bypass Joomla settings"?

If this is the standard Joomla account email it's a language string (not Fabrik but Joomla).
Which language are you using? Any language overrides?
Hi troester,

Joomla! 3.6.5 Stable
Bypass settings: No on everything.

Using English (default language) setting, but have French and Spanish also installed (not being used at all). I have 3 language overrides, none relating to user registration at all.

Here is the email notification BTW:

Hello XXX,</br></br>Thank you for registering on XXX . Your account has been created and you are now connected to the member section. </br></br>At your next visit, you will be able to connect on https://XXX.com/ using the following login and password :</br>Login : XXX</br>Password : XXX
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I can't replicate this either, and we use exactly the same code as J! to send those emails.

If you register through J! directly, does the mail get formatted?

-- hugh
I'll do some more testing, but I just don't see anywhere in our code where that could happen.

One thing you could try is in ./plugins/fabrik_form/juser/juser/php, at line 656, change ...

                    $return = $mail->sendMail($data['mailfrom'], $data['fromname'], $data['email'], $emailSubject, $emailBody);

... to ...

                    $return = FabrikWorker::sendMail($data['mailfrom'], $data['fromname'], $data['email'], $emailSubject, $emailBody);

This is assuming you are running a version of Fabrik less than about a year old, when I added that FabrikWorker::sendMail() helper. Which does a bit more sanity checking and massaging of the message before calling the J! $mail->sendMail().

-- hugh
Aha, all my Fabrik extensions are 3.6 with the exception of Fabrik Package being 3.5.1, odd.

Anyways, updated Fabrik through the Joomla update manager, everything is now 3.6 yet when I register a new user I still recieve the same issue, non HTML email.

edit: under the Juser plugin bypass settings, I set Account details email to YES and then created another fabrik email plugin to send a HTML email to the user. Works and does what I need.

Thank you for your help guys.
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Just tested with Fabrik3.6 and with current GitHub, frontend in English and German:
In all cases the jUser (original Joomla) registration mail is formatted correctly.

The language string is in \language\en-GB\en-GB.com_users.ini and it is
COM_USERS_EMAIL_REGISTERED_BODY="Hello %s,\n\nThank you for registering at %s.\n\nYou may now log in to %s using the following username and password:\n\nUsername: %s\nPassword: %s"
which is the formatting for plain text.

This is exactly the string used by the jUser plugin (tested by editing en-GB.com_users.ini directly).

So where are your <br>s coming from?
Which string is in your en-GB.com_users.ini?
Do you have a language override? Or a template override?
Or some component/plugin modifying language strings?
troester truth be told I couldn't figure it out. The language settings and the strings all looked fine, the component + all plugins up to date and the regular J registration worked as is.

No template overrides.
No component/plugin (I disabled ReReplacer just in case) making changes.
No cache issue (disabled cache and JotCache).

In any case, since I'm not using the Fabrik email plugin to send a HTML email to the user, everything is working as intended.
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Thank you.

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